Thursday, October 22, 2009

taking a deep breathe

being very very emo for pass few days, and gone through some hard time again, wonder why all the things come in a sudden. making me so suffer! i even cried for nothing, okay call me cried baby, i just cant hold my tears.

"i'm just a normal person, not a superwoman! and i only have a pair of hands!"

u can see me laugh out loud, but when i'm alone i feel so depressed, problems still keep going and rounding, or i shall said all the things came 1 short and i dont know how to face it.

i feel lost. everyday i just follow my feel to do the things i need to do, but i'm not happy at all. or i'm just scared to face the reality?

i wanted to hide myself deep inside the ground, to let me feel better, and keep me silence. for you, you and you, i just dont want to care anymore! i felt that i'm the dumb-est person on earth! i wont fckin care what's left for me, i just want to be back myself.

for the time being and for sake of my life, i'll still stand strong.

thanks for letting me ranting here.

time to start work again!

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