Monday, November 12, 2007

hair cutting

suddenly wanted to write this post after transferring my pic to mac..
it's my mum and my cousin bro in the pic! hehe *my cousin bro is not crying, just feel uncomfortable with the scissors*

p/s: my mum is a hairstylist.. so i always done my new hairstyle without spending 1 cent :P

so it's the time again for all my small little cousin have a hair cut.. let me count.. 7 little cousins.. as usual my mum will bring her tools to one of my aunty's house and all my cousins will automatically line up for the hair cut.. and kid's hair normally grow very fast and their teachers also very strict to them too.. it's kinda cute to look at all my cousin having hair cut.. some even wanted to act brave volunteer themselves to be the 1st one.. kids nowadays.. *tsk tsk* after 1 by 1 getting hair cut, then they'll go and bath and after bathed they'll come out again and show my mum how was their haircut.. just a small kids only they know how to dress up them self wei.. i still remember i used to cry after having a hair cut cause my mum will trim my hair to very very short.. like boy cut, and that time chinese primary school dont allowed girls to keep long hair except you are a dancer or gymnast..

well.. memory again.. guess kids nowadays are much more happiness to have all kinds of toys and computer games.. yea speaking to computer games.. now they are so expert to find all games in the net.. and start using msn and email to chat.. aih.. i only got my computer during form 4.. technology now is growing so fast and kids are so smart ady.. phew*

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