Friday, November 13, 2009


fresh from my iPhone, captured from the day i gt it until now :)

when i'm bored or alone, i'll do something silly

good memory for this! 2nd time been conned to get this!

but it tasted so good, cant resist it! da-bao-ed all the way from kl to ss14 pappa rich -.-"

stupid bro testing my iPhone!

dinner with fred at this restaurant served weird eating combo

from dry turned to soup! and i gt conned again -.-" fred cheated me by telling me the meat balls are pork but actually it's beef! urgh

yummy tuna toast & iced coffee for breakfast on a lovely sat morning!

behind the scene of sample shooting, videographer on the other side..

not helping out but having fun.. ke ke

lunch at some penang cafe which served delicious otak-otak fried rice!

jamming everyday!

okay this last one is cheat one, not capture using my iPhone, called it 'pic of the day!'

have a great weekend people!

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